Realising that I’m now the only person in the team not to have written a blog entry yet, my colleague Mark asked me yesterday if I’d like to write something about what I’ve been up to lately. I felt a bit daunted by the idea and had thought about it a number of times and then chickened out and got on with something else. Today I decided I should go for it and let everyone know about the ongoing feature I have been working on for the staff magazine, LS126.
It is called ‘Carrie on researching’ (I did chuckle to myself for probably an embarrassing amount of time after coming up with this so it had to stay!) and involves me meeting up with Leeds Met researchers all over the university to chat with them about what it is they do. I’ve met up with 7 people so far and every time I’ve got back to the office with a big grin on my face, really excited about the amazing work people are doing and just loving how many completely different things are going on in the place where I work. This is really important to me in a job and I am quite spoilt working for a university where I can be surprised almost every day.
Well, that could be a completely different story but what I want to write about is the amazing people I’ve met so far through ‘Carrie on researching.’ For the edition that has just been printed, I met up with Alan Edmondson in the Microbiology Group and Colin Pattinson from the new Faculty of Arts, Environment and Technology. Alan was so full of enthusiasm as he talked and he agreed to do an experiment for us to test 2 different types of mop used at Leeds Met to see which allowed the most amount of bacteria to grow on it after it had been used and cleaned. The results were amazing! (You’ll have to have a look in the magazine to see for yourself – I know, that’s a bit naughty but it’ll be online by the time this goes up.) After meeting with Alan I felt really excited about science, which actually happens to me quite a lot really. I always have a tiny regret at abandoning sciences after GCSE in favour of a perhaps unnecessary 3 language A Level choice. Later I met up with Colin and was really surprised to find out how much work he and his team are doing to trial and test potentially massive energy-saving IT systems in this university that we may end up being able to use ourselves in the future, saving us money and doing a lot for the environment.
I’ve already met up with the researchers for the next edition but I will keep that secret for now. I will just say that they are completely different subjects again, one closer to my own heart (literature) and one that absolutely amazed me and had to be explained to me quite a few times for my head to take in what it was hearing!
That’s all really… I’ve written more than 500 words which may explain to Mark why I felt reluctant to start writing a blog entry as I’m not one for being able to just write 200 words!